12 August 2017

Bitcoin in the News : 2017-07 More++

Bitcoin price movement was the main story in my previous post, Bitcoin in the News : 2017-07 Price, and speculation about the cause of the movement was the secondary story. Several sources mentioned 'civil war', as in
  • 2017-07-20: Bitcoin swings as civil war looms (bbc.com) • 'The value of the virtual currency Bitcoin has always been volatile. Even so, there has been particular turbulence in recent days as fears of a "civil war" among its adherents first grew and then subsided, although they have not gone away altogether.'

I could give many examples of related stories, but one article was more comprehensive than the others (NB: needs Flash).

Since no 'Bitcoin in the News' would be complete without mainstream press reports on the dark side of bitcoin, here are three:-

I could again give other stories, many of geographical interest, but I'll stop to document a personal experience. At the end of last year, I wrote a post about Buying Ethereum (December 2016). While writing this current post, I checked on the status of that trade and was surprised to see that the value of the Coinbase account had increased twenty times. I exchanged some of the ethereum for cash and used part of that to buy a small amount of litecoin, a cryptocurrency introduced by Coinbase since I last looked at the account.

Why mention this? First, because bitcoin++ is more than an arbitrary collection of news stories. Second, because cryptocurrencies are part virtual, part real. Third, because it introduces the last story.

  • 2017-07-29: Howard Marks says bitcoin isn’t real -- and we can all blame millennials for its rise (marketwatch.com) • 'Howard Marks has some harsh words for the bitcoin community and the rise of digital currencies, which have become all the rage lately. “Digital currencies are nothing but an unfounded fad,” said the co-chairman of Oaktree Capital Management, who was among the first to sound the alarm on the 2008 financial crisis.'

Will Howard Marks be massively right a second time? Time will tell, but it brings to mind the old saying, 'You don't make any money until you sell.'

05 August 2017

Bitcoin in the News : 2017-07 Price

Although the chart below isn't strictly limited to first-day-of-the-month and last-day-of-the-month markers, it does show the bitcoin price action over the month of July. The chart's start price corresponds to the end of the chart in Bitcoin in the News : 2017-06 Price, while the end price shows the upward trend continuing into August.

Bitcoin Price Index

Once again I turn to Bitcoin price analysis (cointelegraph.com) for some background on the price movement. The first half of the month had only a few (increasingly tedious) stories predicting an eventual target price -- $55.000, $4.000, $500.000 -- which might as well be produced by a random number generator. The second half of the month had a few stories with more depth.

  • 2017-07-21: SegWit2x Deployment: ‘Excited Traders’ Drive Bitcoin Price Up • 'Bitcoin has bounced back from its huge loss after bridging an ideological gap that poses a threat to the number one cryptocurrency. [...] Many core members are still not open to the use of SegWit2x because they say it hasn’t been tested for bugs yet. Also, not all miners support SegWit2x, which they say is a flawed compromise that doesn’t solve the root scaling problem.'
  • 2017-07-28: Bitcoin Price Reacts to SegWit News • 'Yesterday, July 27, the signaling stage about the Segregated Witness protocol, SegWit, BIP 141, was activated'

The term 'SegWit' was first seen on this blog in Bitcoin in the News : 2016-10 More++. That post points to a previous post from April 2016 where the term 'segregated witness' was introduced and which itself points to an important video explaining the subject. As for 'SegWit2x', the simplest explanation I could find is How is Segwit2x different from Segwit? (bitcoin.stackexchange.com):-

SegWit2x is a combination of both SegWit and a 2MB hardfork (to activate three months after SegWit). SegWit2x uses a different 'bit' for signaling (bit 4 instead of bit 1) than SegWit.

That appears to be where we are today -- more price news next month.