- 2017-04-03: Japan Finally Recognizes Bitcoin After Long Battle (investopedia.com)
- 2017-04-06: By This Summer, Bitcoin Will Be Accepted at More Than 260,000 Stores in Japan (futurism.com)
...India moved backward in political circles and sideways elsewhere.
- 2017-04-05: ‘Bitcoin Should be Declared Illegal’ Demands Indian Politician (cryptocoinsnews.com) • 'Kirit Somaiya, a member of the Indian Parliament who belongs to the BJP, India’s conservative ruling party at the center, questioned if bitcoin is a "pyramid ponzi scheme"'
- 2017-04-08: Bitcoin Startups Fear No Ban in India, Say Technology Will Make Inroads (entrepreneur.com)
Other news included a typical story related to bitcoin's mysterious origins...
- 2017-04-13: Bitcoin: Self-Proclaimed Inventor's Firm Sold to Private Equity (fortune.com) • 'A company built around the research of Craig Wright, who has claimed to have invented the bitcoin cryptocurrency, has been sold to a private equity firm in a deal the company says is the biggest to date involving bitcoin's underlying blockchain technology.'
...and a couple of stories that enhance bitcoin's bad boy reputation:-
- 2017-04-11: Mirai botnet variant turns IoT devices into bitcoin mining slaves (theinquirer.net)
- 2017-04-15: Bitcoin Wallets Under Siege From 'Large Collider' Attack (fortune.com)
That last story leads back to the mysterious origins.
But some speculate the goal of the project is not to rob a whole lot of wallets, but instead to strike a mother lode from a long-lost wallet from bitcoin's early days: "About 10% of Bitcoins were created early, before 2012, and have never been traded. If somebody ever finds the key of the early lost Bitcoins, they'll have a huge payoff, over a billion dollars. Speculation is that either "Satoshi Nakamoto", whoever he is, is holding onto them for a big payoff, or somebody lost the private key for all those early Bitcoins."
With that in mind, it takes a business school professor to ask the question:-
- 2017-04-18: Can Bitcoin Be the Foundation of a Fairer Financial System? ([MIT] technologyreview.com)
If your answer is 'Yes!', then the next story is for you.
- 2017-04-22: The Need for Bitcoin Evangelists and How to Be One (themerkle.com)
Does having a bitcoin blog make me an evangelist? Short answer: 'No!'. Long answer: 'No, of course not!'.