06 July 2024

Bitcoin in the News : 2024-06 Price

This month's price chart was double trouble. First, I had the same problem as documented last year in Bitcoin in the News : 2023-04 Price (May 2023), where I wrote,
This month, due to circumstances beyond my control, this post is actually being written two weeks after the date of the post.

At that time, I used a red line to mark the end of the month. Sounds simple, but I had a second problem. The source of the chart, Cointelegraph.com, changed its charting service to something completely different. Instead of being able to choose the start and end dates, it now offers six fixed time periods. Since the choice of one month wasn't an option, I used one year and added red lines to mark the beginning and end of June 2024.

Bitcoin (BTC) Price Index

The result isn't elegant, but it has all the info I like to capture. Next month I'll try to create the chart on the first day of the new month.
